About Us
Our daily life, economic vitality, and national security depend on a stable, safe, and resilient cyberspace. “DHS, 2019”
We Know Our Business
System Security Planning is not a “week-end” science project. It is a methodical and systematic apporach to developing a cyber safe security plan. The best part is you are proably already doing most of it. You just need a plan and process to get it done.
Business Approach
At 171Comply we take a business approach to the process of developing, implementing and sustainment of your System Security Plan. A plan that supports the security of both your physical and cyber worlds. Our focus is small businesses who need to be NIST SP 800-171 complant, and are looking for an effective and cost efficient way to meet those requirements.
Business Focused
171Comply is small business focused on supporting small businesses. As a small business, we understand your needs to contain costs and still meet your business goals and requirements. For System-wide security to be effective it must become part of the company’s culture. This built-in approach empowers all your employees to be security aware in both the physical and cyber worlds. in all their practices.
Business Aligned
Our goal is to be your System Security Plan specialist and help you achieve your NIST SP 800-171 compliance goals without sacrificing your business objectives. We are your support for developing and creating a Cybersecurity process and plan to meet your specific business needs.
Our Values
MISSION: Our mission is to assist companies in meeting the standards for system security compliance. For most businesses, the compliance standards are confusing and may seem at cross purposes. Our goal is to assist businesses in making sense of these requirements, and to achieving compliance in terms of meeting their business goals and objectives.
VISION: Traditionally, most business have had little interest in system security. In the past, system security has been a bolt-on requirement; a requirement that was met after the fact, at the last minute. We believe that system security has to be built into the computer and network system architecture and that there has to be a system security culture. Just as industrial safety is now part of the everyday fabric of construction and manufacturing, so too will be system security. Our goal to assist with this transition and to ensure the business purpose is not lost in a mad rush to mindless compliance.
Our Team
With expertise, maturity, and business sense, 171Comply provides processes and guidance that significantly reduce certification time and your level of effort.
Mike Olivier
Charles Fike
MBA(Finance) / MS (Data Systems)
Harrel Clark
BS Business Administration /CCNA /CENT /CNE /CNA /A+ /CMMC RP
Robert Murlless
Risk Management and Force Protection Advisor
Mike Olivier
MBA Marketing-Finance / MS Cyber Security /PMP / CMMC RP
Mr. Olivier has over 30 years of experience in project management, requirements development, and system engineering. He has worked on both commercial and federal government projects. These projects range from satellite communications systems to vehicle transportation and management systems. The customer base included military commands, traffic control districts, to small businesses, with applications ranging from military mission-critical communication systems to industrial control systems and small business applications.
Mr. Olivier began working in system security while on active duty in the Marine Corps and has leveraged this expertise with system engineering, planning, and policy and procedures development. This experience and the implementation of the NIST SP 800-171 requirements have provided the foundation for the policies, templates, and services used by 171Comply that reduce the implementation cost for CMMC compliance.
Harrel Clark
BS Business Administration /CCNA /CENT /CNE /CNA /A+ /CMMC RP
Mr. Clark has over 27 years of experience designing, engineering, building, configuring, and managing corporate networks and infrastructure. The size of these networks ranged from many thousands of users to a few. Mr. Clark’s duties covered a broad range of responsibilities, including server deployment, security, virtual networking, network storage, enterprise backup, and archiving. Hands-on experience with multiple software platforms, including Active Directory, Micro-Focus eDirectory, VMware, Linux, and other enterprise software. Responsible for network management, product integration, budgets, policies, business analysis, risk assessment, and strategic planning.
Mr. Clark’s experience ranges from managing large disparate systems with thousands of users to small centralized systems with few users. This experience is translated into the ability to guide organizations, of all levels of complexity, in developing their standard policies and practices that will meet the CMMC requirements. At every level of the CMMC framework, there is a requirement for practice sustainment, and the key to this is executing the company’s policy and practices.
Charles Fike
MBA(Finance) / MS (Data Systems)
Mr. Fike is a retired Navy Captain, having served 24 years specializing in logistics and information processing. He brings over 35 years of commercial workplace practice to the table with extensive experience in Data Systems Management, Cyber Security, and software development. His positions have included the Executive Director of a division of Honeywell, small business executive management, and leading his own corporation CR Fike, Inc. He served as a consultant to the Naval Information Warfare Command and was a member of the Joint Regional Security Stack program (JRSS). Where the JRSS goal is to combine all Department of Defense services into one cyber security umbrella.
Mr. Fike’s experience in cyber and system security with both government and large government contractors has provided a foundation of implementation knowledge. This foundation offers a baseline for system security policy, practice, and sustainment. A fundamental in system security is that successful system security requires that security is built into the system architecture. His experience, across the breath of industry, has provided an implementation framework that assists in making system security an integrated element in system architecture.
Bob Murlless
BA Asian Studies-China
Mr. Murlless is a retired United States Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer with 40 years of service. The focus for much of his career was as an Intelligence Officer beginning in South Vietnam and with the US Border Patrol supervising intelligence gathering and investigations, supporting prosecution units Southern California. His intelligence career included supporting Anti-Terrorism Force Protection fusion center for the Marine Corps Installations West (MCI-West). Later in his career, he deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan where he worked with coalition and local government forces as a Police and ATFP Advisor.
Mr. Murlless is focused on developing the 171Comply CyberAlerts. He draws upon both his military intelligence experience and as a retired Supervisory Border Patrol Agent working in intelligence gathering and providing threat intelligence information. This combination of intelligence analysis experience provides the CyberAlerts a depth of analysis, resulting in recommended courses of action that businesses can use to reduce their vulnerabilities.
Steven Werdeman
Dir Cybersecurity Solutions / Policies and Compliance
Providing CMMC and NIST -171 compliance documentation, policies, templates, workbooks and consulting services.
171Comply assists companies in developing compliant system security plans (SSPs) that meet the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMP) level requirements. Working closely with clients throughout the process, we combine the holistic approach of the SSP, which examines risks that include both cybersecurity and physical security, with a business approach that ensures their business goals and objectives are seamlessly incorporated into the development of compliant security architecture.
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